Quality Science Labs, LLC offers innovative laboratory curricula and corresponding kits. Our kits can turn the kitchen into a homeschool laboratory or enhance the lab experience for schools with limited resources.
This is the refill kit for the Advanced MicroChem Kit.
Refill Supplies
Metals and sandpaper
Palmitic acid
Paraffin wax
Phenolphthalein strips
pH paper
Chromatography paper
Steel wool
Acetic acid, 0.1 M solution
Ascorbic acid, dry
Bromophenol Blue
Calcium Nitrate, 0.1 M solution
Copper nitrate, 0.1 M solution
Distilled water in dropper bottle
Mixed food coloring
Hydrochloric acid, 0.1M solution
Magnesium sulfate, dry
Nickel Nitrate, 0.1M solution
Potassium Hydroxide, 0.1 M solution
Potassium iodide, 0.1M solution
Potassium permanganate bottle, 0.01 M solution
Sodium Acetate, 0.1M solution
Sodium Hydroxide, 0.1M solution
Sodium Oxalate, 0.1M solution
Sodium Sulfate, 0.1M solution
Sodium Thiosulfate, 0.1M solution
Zinc Nitrate, 0.1M solution
Filter paper, round
PH paper (universal)
Pipet, graduated
Pipet, mini
Pipet, thin stem